College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Open House
Sunday, Oct. 13 & Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024
10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
McHugh Hall, UConn Storrs
Academic Programs and Table Locations
The CLAS Open House at UConn Bound Day features more than 40 program tables on two floors of McHugh Hall. Meet our faculty, staff and students and ask them questions about our diverse academic programs.
Find a Program
Looking for a specific major? Browse an alphabetical list of the academic programs tabling today.
Programs A to Z
- Actuarial Science: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- Africana Studies: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- American Sign Language: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- American Studies: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Anthropology: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Arabic and Islamic Civilizations: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Biological Sciences; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Molecular and Cell Biology; Physiology and Neurobiology; Structural Biology: 2nd Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Chemistry: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- Chinese: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Cognitive Science: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Communication: 1st Floor; English, Journalism, and Communication
- Data Sciences: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- Earth Science: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Economics: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- English: 1st Floor; English, Journalism, and Communication
- Environmental Sciences: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Studies: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- French and Francophone Studies: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Geographic Information Science: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Geography: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- German Studies: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Hebrew and Judaic Studies: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- History: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Human Development and Family Sciences: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Human Rights: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Individualized and Interdisciplinary Studies: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Italian Literature and Cultural Studies: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Journalism: 1st Floor; English, Journalism, and Communication
- Linguistics: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Marine Sciences: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Maritime Studies: 1st Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- Philosophy: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Physics: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- Political Science: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Pre-Medical/Dental (handouts only): 2nd Floor; Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Psychological Sciences: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Sociology: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Spanish Studies: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences: 1st Floor; Language and Cognition
- Statistics: 2nd Floor; Data and Physical Sciences
- Urban and Community Studies: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: 1st Floor; Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
Programs by Floor
Discover where programs are tabling on each floor of McHugh Hall.
1st Floor
Subject areas on this floor: Humanities Cultures, and Social Sciences; English, Journalism, and Communication; Language and Cognition; and Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences.
- Africana Studies
- American Sign Language
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Arabic and Islamic Civilizations
- Chinese
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Cognitive Science
- Communication
- Earth Science
- El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
- English
- Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Studies
- French and Francophone Studies
- Geographic Information Science
- Geography
- German Studies
- Hebrew and Judaic Studies
- History
- Human Development and Family Sciences
- Human Rights
- Individualized and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Italian Literature and Cultural Studies
- Journalism
- Linguistics
- Marine Sciences
- Maritime Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychological Sciences
- Sociology
- Spanish Studies
- Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- Urban and Community Studies
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
2nd Floor
Subject areas on this floor: Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences; and Data and Physical Sciences.
- Actuarial Science
- Biological Sciences; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Molecular and Cell Biology; Physiology and Neurobiology; Structural Biology
- Chemistry
- Data Sciences
- Economics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Pre-Medical/Dental (handouts only)
- Statistics
Programs Grouped by Subject Areas
Not sure what you want to study? Explore programs grouped by popular subject areas.
Humanities, Cultures, and Social Sciences
Located on the 1st floor.
- Africana Studies
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- History
- Human Development and Family Sciences
- Human Rights
- Individualized and Interdisciplinary Studies
- El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
- Political Science
- Psychological Sciences
- Sociology
- Urban and Community Studies
- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
Located on the 1st and 2nd floors.
- Biological Sciences (2nd floor)
- Earth Science (1st floor)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2nd floor)
- Environmental Sciences (1st floor)
- Environmental Studies (1st floor)
- Geographic Information Science (1st floor)
- Geography (1st floor)
- Marine Sciences (1st floor)
- Maritime Studies (1st floor)
- Molecular and Cell Biology (2nd floor)
- Physiology and Neurobiology (2nd floor)
- Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental (2nd floor)
English, Journalism, and Communication
Located on the 1st floor.
- English
- Communication
- Journalism
Language and Cognition
Located on the 1st floor.
- American Sign Language
- Cognitive Science
- Linguistics
- Literature, Cultures, and Languages
- Arabic and Islamic Civilizations
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Hebrew and Judaic Studies
- Italian Literature and Cultural Studies
- Spanish
- Philosophy
- Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Data and Physical Sciences
Located on the 2nd floor.
- Actuarial Science
- Chemistry
- Data Sciences
- Economics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
No matter which option you choose, you'll gain the skills needed to succeed in a wide variety of jobs and careers. Learn more about career resources for students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Schedule of Presentations
10 a.m.
Biological Sciences
Room 101, First Floor
Dean’s Welcome
Room 102, First Floor
11 a.m.
Biological Sciences
Room 101, First Floor
Psychological Sciences
Room 102, First Floor
Studying Arts, Culture, and Human Experience
Room 111, First Floor
Actuarial Science
Room 205, Second Floor