Courses and Credits

Below you'll find the information about registering for classes, including how to resolve registration holds. You'll also learn more about course credits and how they impact your grade point average.


View a Full List of Courses in the UConn Undergraduate Catalog

Understanding Credits, Academic Standing, and GPA

Each semester students register for classes for the following semester. A class consists of:

  • A course title that describes the content of the class.
  • A course number that indicates the level of the course, from introductory to advanced.
  • A course credit value that indicates the number of hours a course meets each week.

The courses available to a student, and the order in which they can take the courses, is determined by the student's major and academic standing.

All students must earn at least 120 credits to graduate from UConn. In order to graduate in eight semesters, students must take an average of 15 credits per semester.

For more information about these bold topics, click on the menu items below or visit the UConn Undergraduate Catalog's Academic Regulations page.

Credits, Repeating Credits, and Pass/Fail

All students must earn at least 120 credits to graduate from the University of Connecticut. The following are a few restrictions that students should consider when planning their academic career:

  • Students cannot earn credit for courses taken out of sequential order (unless approved by the department offering the course).
  • Students can earn credit for STAT 1000Q or STAT 1100Q, but not both.

Repeating Credits

Students may take or attempt the same course a maximum of three times unless otherwise stated in the course description. “Attempts” include credits from another institution, AP/IB/ECE credits, as well as attempts at UConn.

Students may repeat a course previously taken once without seeking permission. To take the course a third time, students must seek the permission of the course instructor and then a dean’s designee in the CLAS Academic Services Center. Under no circumstances may a student take a course more than three times.

It is important to note that while repeating a course, credit shall be allowed only once. In the computation of the grade point average, the credit and grade points for the most recent completion of the course shall be included in the GPA calculation. The registered credit and grade for the prior taking of the course will remain on the transcript but shall be removed from the GPA calculation.

During registration, students wishing to repeat select high demand courses for a higher grade will be restricted from enrolling in those courses. This includes students who have earned a passing grade or are enrolled in those courses during that semester. Students wishing to repeat these courses may enroll after the registration period has passed. For a list of those courses and details on this policy, visit the UConn Advising website.

Special Notes:

  • Repeating a course that was previously passed can result in loss of credit if the student fails the previously passed course.
  • If a student repeats and fails a course listed as a prerequisite or co-requisite for a more advanced course, the student must gain the permission of the department head to repeat the course.
  • If a student takes a course as a W course and repeats the course without the W, the student will lose credit for the W.
  • Repeating a course may affect a student’s financial aid. Students considering repeating previously passed courses should consult their advisors and Student Financial Aid Services staff.
  • In CLAS, if a student’s most recent attempt in taking a course results in completing a course that is required as part of the student’s curriculum, a third repeat is not allowed.

Pass/Fail Option

Students who have earned at least 24 credits and are in good academic standing may use the Pass/Fail Option.

Courses on Pass/Fail:

  • Do not factor into student’s GPA and are represented as P@ for pass and F@ for fail on a student transcript.
  • Will not satisfy general education requirements, major or minor requirements, related requirements, or skill requirements.
  • May not be accepted when a student changes majors or schools with the University, and might not transfer to another institution.
  • Must be requested by the end of add/drop period and may be canceled by the final day to drop a class with a W through the Office of the Registrar.
  • May not exceed a total of 12 credits to be distributed over no more than three courses during a student’s undergraduate career.

Residency Requirement

It is expected that advanced course work in the major will be completed in residence at UConn. Students must earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence toward a degree at the University, though particular schools and colleges may require more. Courses taken at the University and through the University’s Experiential Global Learning, National Student Exchange, and Early College Experience programs are all deemed in-residence.

Students desiring to transfer credits should be aware of residency requirements in the individual schools and colleges and should request necessary permission in advance. Students seeking exceptions to any additional residency requirements of a school or college must petition the dean or director of the appropriate program from which they will earn their degree.

Credits Per Semester

In order to graduate in eight semesters, students must take an average of 15 credits per semester.

In order to qualify as a full-time student for insurance, scholarship, NCAA, residential life, and financial aid purposes, students must be registered for at least 12 credits on the 10th day of classes.

If a student withdraws from course(s) after the 10th day of class, the withdrawal will be recorded on their transcript with a “W,” indicating the student attempted the credits. In most cases, this will allow students to retain their full-time status.

International students and Division I athletes should consult the International Student & Scholar Services or their SASP advisor, respectively, before withdrawing from a course. Students receiving financial aid should check with the Office of Financial Aid before withdrawing from one or more classes.

Additional Notes about Credits

  • CLAS students can register for a maximum of 17 credits if their GPA the previous semester was between 2.0—2.59.
  • CLAS students can register for 18 credits per semester without permission if their GPA the previous semester was 2.6 or higher. Qualifying students should contact the Registrar’s Office (860-486-3331) to have their credit limit raised.
  • Permission to register for more than 18 credits may be granted if a student earned a GPA of 2.6 or higher the previous semester and obtained the Dean’s approval. Qualifying students should complete an Excess Credit Request form.
  • Students who are placed on academic notice or were subject to dismissal the previous semester will be limited to 14 credits for the following semester. This credit restriction will remain in place until the student attains “good standing.”

Academic Standing and Grade Point Average (GPA)

Academic standing is calculated at the conclusion of each fall and spring semester. Students have three different GPAs that are used to assess their academic standing:

  • Cumulative GPA: Average for all semesters combined
  • Major GPA: Average a student earns in their major courses
  • Term GPA: Average for any single semester

There are two regular semesters (fall and spring) and two terms (winter and summer). Terms do not carry with them an academic standing, though grades earned during a term will be factored into the cumulative GPA.

Levels of Academic Standing

The academic standing of a student can fall into one of the following four categories:

  • Good Standing: Students who have earned a 2.0 or higher in both their cumulative and semester GPA.
  • Academic Notice:  Students  who have earned less than a 2.0 in either their semester GPA or their cumulative GPA.
  • Subject to Dismissal: Students will be subject to dismissal from the University if they have been on academic notice for two consecutive semesters. However, no student with at least a 2.3 semester GPA for the previous semester will be dismissed.

Note: Students on academic notice will be limited to 14 credits and must attend a mandatory academic meeting through the CLAS Academic Services Center before the next registration cycle. Students who fail to do so will have a registration hold placed on their account.

Course Numbers

The following are catalog guidelines for how departments determine their course codes:

  • 1000-1999: Introductory courses, usually with no prerequisites, primarily intended for first-year students and sophomores.
  • 2000-2999: Courses, usually with no more than one prerequisite, primarily intended for sophomores.
  • 3000-3999: Advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for juniors and seniors, although sophomores are often approved to take many courses at this level.
  • 4000-4999: Advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for seniors.
  • 5000-6999: Graduate courses. To enroll in a graduate course, students must obtain a permission number from the instructor.

Registering for Classes

Class registration follows a general course registration timeline each calendar year. After the registration period ends, students can add, drop, and/or withdraw from their classes during certain periods each semester. Students may be unable to register for classes because of a University hold, or they may need to fill out specific forms to take more than the normally allotted credits each semester.

Click on the menu items below for more information about these bold topics. Visit the Office of the Registrar's Academic Calendar for specific dates for the current academic year.

Course Registration Timeline

Late March: Registration for the fall semester begins for continuing students.

Early May: Fall course registration for continuing students is closed in preparation for summer orientation.

Late May—Late July: Incoming first-year and new transfer students register for fall semester classes during summer orientation.

Late July: Continuing students are able to make changes to their fall schedule using the Student Administration System.

Late October: Registration for the spring semester begins for continuing students.

View important advising dates for the current semester.

Before registration, students should:

  • Review their advisement report and understand the credits and requirements they have outstanding.
  • Schedule an appointment with their advisor at least 2 weeks before their registration date.
  • Discuss the classes they would like to take the following semester with their advisor and select two or three back-up courses in case their desired classes are full.
  • Note that reserved seats are released to non-majors during early-July for fall registration and early-January for spring registration. Students should review their transcript and make appropriate changes to their course registration. This is a good time to register for a minor and/or related courses.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Classes

Students can add, drop, and/or withdraw from their courses only during certain periods of the semester. For more information, please review the following deadlines.

First 10 class days of the semester (add/drop period)

  • Students may add and drop courses using the Student Administration System until the 10th day of class.
  • If a student delays enrolling in courses until the end of the second week, they will miss a significant portion of the class and their progress in the course may be affected by their late registration.
  • Courses dropped during this period are not recorded on the student’s record.

Third—ninth week of class

  • Students may withdraw from a class with a “W” on their transcript between the third and ninth week of classes. To withdraw from one course, students must obtain a Schedule Revision Request form from the Registrar’s Office and obtain the signature of their advisor. To withdraw from two or more courses, students need the signature of their advisor and the dean in the CLAS Academic Services Center.
  • Students may add a course between the third and fourth week of the semester. To add a course, students must obtain a Schedule Revision Request form from the Registrar’s Office and obtain the signature of the instructor of the course, their advisor, and the head of the department offering the course. It is expected that the student has been attending the class since the beginning of the semester.
  • Students may not add a course after the 4th week of classes unless there is an extenuating circumstance and should consult with the Academic Services Center for more information.

View more important dates related to course registration.

University Holds

A hold on a student’s account can result in an inability to register for classes or receive copies of an official transcript. Here are the most common University holds as well as how to resolve them.

Bursar hold: Students who have a bursar hold should contact the Bursar’s Office to resolve the financial issue. Students who make online payments should note that it takes at least 24 hours before their payment is processed and their bursar hold is removed.

Immunization hold: Students who have an immunization hold should contact Student Health Services to verify that their immunization records are in order and to remove the hold.

Advising hold: Students who have an advising hold should contact their advisor to schedule a registration appointment. Many majors require students to meet with their advisors before the enrollment hold will be removed.

ASC hold: Students who have an ASC hold should make an appointment with the CLAS Academic Services Center to discuss the hold on their account.

Research and Independent Study Courses

Students seeking credit for research or an independent study must complete an Independent Study Authorization form. This form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office with all necessary signatures during the add/drop period (the first 10 class days of the semester).

The form requires students to obtain the permission of their instructor, their advisor, and the head of the department offering the independent study to enroll in the course. After the fourth week of the semester, students must also receive permission from a dean’s designee in the CLAS Academic Services Center. Failure to follow these procedures will impact a student’s ability to receive credit for any credit-bearing work.

Students may add independent studies up until the first day of registration for the subsequent semester, so long as they have been actively engaged in the course since the beginning of the current semester. Students are not allowed to add independent studies beyond the first day of enrollment for the subsequent semester.

Study Abroad / Experiential Global Learning

Students who are interested in studying abroad should consult with their advisor and the Experiential Global Learning office early in their career to determine how an abroad experience can fit into their academic and personal goals. In consultation with their advisor and their Experiential Global Learning counselor, students can select coursework that advances them to graduation in meaningful ways.

Courses taken abroad are taken in residence and can align with courses taught at UConn. Students who wish to have an abroad course that appears on their UConn transcript as foreign study (signified by the number X993 on their transcript) reviewed for the possibility of meeting a CLAS General Education content area I class (CA1 A-E) my complete a Substitution Request Form. Please be prepared to provide a copy of the syllabus (in English) for review.

Related Forms

Visit the Courses and Credits section of our Forms page for a list of course enrollment registration forms, including:

  • Excess Credit Request form
  • Schedule Revision form
  • Pass/Fail Request and Cancellation forms
  • Permission to Repeat a Course for a Third Time form

Transfer Courses and Credits

Students who are newly admitted or who have transferred to the University may bring credits from their previous institution or Advanced Placement (AP) tests, which can count toward their degree requirements. Click on the menu items below for more information on each topic.

Visit the Admissions website for complete information about policies and procedures related to transfer credits at UConn.

Advanced Placement Courses and Credits

Students taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams must send their scores directly from the College Board to the University of Connecticut. To receive credit for their course(s), students must earn the appropriate qualifying score. Students will receive the corresponding credits on their transcript but no grade will be entered. Similar to transfer credits, a “T” will be used to indicate the earned credits.

For a full list of AP credits by subject and how they transfer to UConn, please visit the Admissions website.

Early College Experience

Students may take courses at certain high schools that offer accredited University of Connecticut courses. UConn Early College Experience (ECE) students must successfully complete the course with a grade of a “C” (2.0) or above to be eligible to receive University credit. Earned grades of a C– or below will remain on the student’s non-degree record only.

Undergraduate students enrolled in their first semester must decide whether to accept or reject their ECE credits and will work with their advisor to make that decision. During a student’s first semester at the University, they will receive email reminders to accept or reject credit earned through ECE. Students are responsible for logging into the Non-Degree Decisions website to submit their decisions. Students have the entire semester to submit decisions and must do so before the deadline date shared in the emails on the website.

After the deadline passes, decisions are irrevocable and final. Please consult with an advisor if you are undecided about your ECE credits.

CLAS students who do not submit their decisions by the deadline will have their non-degree courses automatically added to their official undergraduate transcript if the grade in any given course is a “C” (2.0) or higher.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses and Credits

UConn provides transfer credit opportunities for certain higher-level IB examinations. Only students who have earned an IB diploma can qualify for the consideration of transfer credit. In order to potentially qualify for credit, please send your IB transcript directly to UConn's Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

For a full list of IB credits by subject and how they transfer to UConn, please visit the admissions website.

Transfer Credits

Previously Earned Transfer Credits

UConn Credit Evaluation

UConn credit is granted for courses that meet all the criteria below. Courses must be:

  • From a regionally accredited, degree-granting college or university
  • Comparable in content and quality to courses offered at UConn
  • Completed with a minimum grade of a “C” (2.0)

If a course does not meet the University of Connecticut standards, credit will not be granted.

Courses that meet the University of Connecticut standards and have a direct UConn equivalent are assigned the same course code and the number of credits as the UConn course (e.g., SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology at Asnuntuck Community College transfers into UConn as SOCI 1001: Introduction to Sociology).

Courses that meet the University's standards but do not have a direct UConn equivalent are granted generic credit with a 91000 or 92000 course code, rather than 1000 or 2000 (e.g., BIO 211: Anatomy and Physiology at Asnuntuck Community College transfers into UConn as PNB 92501: PNB/L Anat&Phys 2000 Level).

Note: Grades from previous institutions will not transfer and will instead be represented by a “T” to indicate transfer credits. Students will not receive credit for online language or online laboratory courses.

Credit Evaluation Deadlines

Transfer credits are evaluated and posted to a student’s UConn transcript during a six week period beginning on the following dates: January 15, June 15, and September 6. It is important that the student’s final transcripts be received by Transfer Admissions prior to these dates so that their credits will be applied to their UConn transcript as soon as possible to avoid enrollment difficulties.

Applying Your Transfer Courses and Credits to Your Degree
  • Any course that has “Q” in the UConn equivalent transfer course code will fulfill one course for the quantitative competency requirement.
  • Any course that transfers in with 91300 in the course code will fulfill a W requirement. Please note that while two W courses are required, at least one must be within a student’s major.
  • Students wishing to apply transfer credits to their major requirements need the approval of their advisor and the dean's designee in the CLAS Academic Services Center. Only 2000-level or higher transfer courses can be applied to the major requirements.
  • Some majors (i.e. psychological sciences, political science, biology, English, and philosophy), restrict the number of transfer credits that can be applied to major requirements. Students should check with their advisor and/or the Academic Services Center to determine if their major has such restrictions.

Earning Transfer Credits as a Matriculated Student

Course Equivalencies

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions lists all of the courses (and their UConn equivalent) that the University accepts from other Connecticut institutions. View a list of transfer course equivalencies on the admissions website.

Prior Course Approval

Many students take courses at colleges closer to home over the summer or during intersession. To do so, students should fill out a Prior Course Approval form prior to enrolling in the course. Learn more about transferring credit as a current student on the admissions website.

Re-evaluation of Transfer Credits

Students who wish to have their transfer credits reevaluated must contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to begin the process.